By Martin Banad on 05 February 2017
Category: Practical information

Legal texts

​Responsible editor

Explore.Brussels ASBL-VZW
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1050 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 319 50 01
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Web conception credits

Website made by Butterfly Pixel company (SCS Frascone Olivier)
Website hosted by webheberge company (SCS Frascone Olivier)

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Photo credits

All the photos on this website are protected by copyright. They are not available for free use. If you wish to reproduce them in any form, please request permission from

Video credits

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Personal Data Processing

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Content and tools

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The data published on this website are purely for information purposes and are not intended to be distributed in jurisdictions which forbid or limit their distribution. Users must make themselves aware of any such limits and must comply with them.


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Commercial Aspects does not aim, directly or indirectly, in any legal jurisdiction, to advertise or establish commercial links via this website.

Dispute resolution

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Possible Contradictions

The preceding dispositions apply to all the pages of this website, in addition to the dispositions regulating access to this website. In the event of any contradiction between the preceding dispositions and those cited on this website, the dispositions cited on this website will prevail for the questions dealt with here.