By Corinne on 27 December 2024
Category: Guided tours of interiors

07. National Basilica of the Sacred Heart


Meeting Point 

Parvis de la Basilique 1, 1083 Koekelberg


National Basilica Church of the Sacred Heart
Originally conceived in the early twentieth century by King Leopold II, the construction of the church we see today did not begin until 1926, to the design of architect Albert Van huffel. Work on the building progressed slowly, prompting the ageing Van huffel to go into partnership, five years before his death in 1935, with the younger Paul Rome. The building was completed under Rome's supervision in 1970. Today it is the fifth-largest Roman Catholic church in the world and boasts an interior as unusual as its monumental exterior, a veritable manifesto for the religious Art Deco style. The guided tours will include access to the viewing platform with its panoramic views of Brussels.

Arch. Albert VAN HUFFEL, 1905-1970


​EN 11:00; 13:00; 16:30
FR 10:30; 12:30; 15:30
NL10:00; 12:00; 15:00


EN 10:30; 12:30; 15:00​
FR 10:00; 12:00; 14:30; 16:30
NL11:00; 13:00; 15:30